
It has become recognised within many health and commercial industries that the safety of employees and building occupants now extends beyond day-to-day matters to include the possibility of responding to foreseeable emergency situations.

It is a fact of modern business life that employers and owners of premises have an ethical obligation to protect customers, contractors and employees in the event of a crisis. Legislative requirements and building codes are designed to ensure the safety of all people in the event of fire or other life-threatening emergencies in the workplace.

QuickFire EM is a specialist firm which provides a range of services and products to business managers/building owners and occupiers to cover all facets of this complex issue. Our experienced consultants provide a prompt and cost-effective service that serves clients from small business to large corporations. Strategies and plans are built according to the size and specific needs of your business and pre-arranged standard packages can be purchased online.

QuickFire EM gives you peace of mind – knowing that in the event of an emergency the lives of your staff and customers are in control of the experts.